Marquesina: ROUND / Easy ENGLISH

* Easy ENGLISH - 50 claves - Gramática *

"Easy ENGLISH - 50 claves - Gramática" - LIBRO 5º

"Easy ENGLISH - 50 CLAVES - Grammar" - (Libro 5º) * ISBN 978-84-9991-696-5 *Depósito Legal SE-701/ 2012

* 50 CLUES - Easy SPANISH * Libro 6º

"Easy SPANISH - 50 clues & 50 steps - GRAMÁTICA" (Libro 6º) * ISBN 978-84-9050-19 * Depósito Legal: AL- 572/2013

Libro 2º) "TÚ mism@ puedes ser tu GUÍA"

"TÚ mism@ puedes ser tu GUÍA" * TERAPIAS Naturales... (Libro 2º) * ISBN 978-84-939373-5-5 * Depósito Legal: VA-789 / 2016

* TAROT Avalon 2000 * LIBRO 1º (Libro + 78 Cartas)

* TAROT Avalon 2000 * - Libro 1º (+78 Cartas) * ISBN 978-84-939373-4-8 * Depósito Legal: VA-787 / 2016

Libro 3º) "IO apostata"

Libro 3º) "IO apostata" (ciencia ficción) ISBN 978-84-939373-6-2 * Depósito Legal: VA-790 / 2016

Libro 4º) RELATOS del Siglo XXI

Libro 4º) "RELATOS dEl Duende TAETON" * ISBN 978-84-939373-7-9 * Depósito Legal: VA-788 / 2016

* A V A L O N *

* A V A L O N *




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- AVALON Draco -

lunes, 8 de julio de 2013

CONTRAPORTADA - Editorial Círculo Rojo (Spain)

This book has not been written to compete either with school-textbooks, neither with SPANISH GRAMMAR books of 500 or 800 pages, aimed at University students and teachers.

This is a work directed to students and/or teachers of Primary and Secondary schools who wish to have compiled in 1 volume the numerous RULES and EXCEPTIONS - concerning Morphology and Syntax - which are "scattered" along the more than eighty lessons that may include studies of Primary and Secondary courses.

Due to the book format and number of pages this GRAMMAR provides EASY handling.

The structure and summary tables will be EASY to understand and memorize.

Because of its 40 pages about "Special Difficulties", and its 33 models of IRREGULAR verbs, you had wished to have been able to consult it long ago.

Its "INDEX" General “50 CLUES” and Alphabetical will make searching EASY.

The INDEX entitled “50 STEPS” is for structuring the teaching in 50 progressive steps from minor to greater difficulty.

The information given in the ANNEX about SPAIN will be also very useful for you all.

In the Arlanza Valley nearby “Peña LARA”,                      LIBROS mism@autor@
esteban ordorica was born. In the ’70s, in
order to increase her knowledge about
Languages and Enterprise  Business,                              “Easy ENGLISH – 50 CLAVES”
she first moved to England, then to France,                     * gramática inglesa 
and later on to Sweden.
                                                                                          “TERAPIAS Naturales”
Once back  to Spain, she realized   the                            * relajación - tatwas – I.Ching
difficulties that her pupils had to be able to                         
properly understand the DIFFERENCES                         “Relatos SIGLO XXI”
between the English and Spanish SINTAX.                     * cuentos juveniles
Therefore, she started to prepare useful and                    “IO Apostata”
valuable SINOPTIC Graphics and Schemes.                 * ciencia ficción
This book is the result from all those previous                  “TAROT Avalon 2000”
works. This compilation will help you to better                  * numerología - astrología - kabala               
understand the most basic and important                          
RULES of the SPANISH Grammar.                                 

 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||                                                 P.V.P.   39 €


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